First of all, what is telesales? Simply put, telesales is the remote, phone-based capturing of sales orders. Telesales representative can be supported by in-field team members, but their position in the sales journey is often different. In Consumer Goods, the role of the field sales team is often to open new accounts, up-sell & cross-sell products and complete audits, while the telesales rep will be handling the weekly, repeat sales and maintaining ongoing relationships with the customer.
With changing customer behaviour and external market factors, it’s really important for companies to embrace not just one sales channel, but to be truly omnichannel. A comprehensive sales strategy needs to include all of the potential customer touchpoints; this means a consistent experience across field, telesales, eCommerce and beyond.
Today’s Challenges
With the number of companies investing in omnichannel experiences rising exponentially from 20% to over 80% in recent years, commercial strategies in this area are vital. Far too often, however, we see telesales being neglected from ‘omnichannel’ sales strategies, despite its significant impact. There are a few reasons as to why this can be:
No Single View of the Customer:
One of the most significant issues facing traditional telesales is clunky, siloed platforms. A potential advantage to telesales is the ability to have all of a customer’s information open on screen, so that you can have the best conversation possible with total visibility. If you don’t have a platform that support this in an efficient way, it can waste time for both you and the customer.
A Disconnected Channel
Far too often, the industry will see companies who utilise (in some capacity) telesales as an add-on to their other sales channels label themselves ‘omnichannel’. When telesales operates as a ‘bolt-on’, it creates a clunky experience for employees. This, in turn, deteriorates the customer experience. It needs to be a part of the picture from the beginning, fully integrated and seamlessly executed.
An ‘Anti-Change’ Mentality
Reluctance to update both internal systems and ways of working can (and will) significantly impede the evolution of a telesales team. Just because it’s the ‘way things have always been done’ does not guarantee that it is the best way. Especially when you can be more productive and make life easier for yourself with newer systems and technology.
Unfair Negative Perception
With the increase of high-volume unsolicited cold calling from multi-level marketing and scammers, public perception of telesales is often resentful at best. Even for telesales representatives with an established customer relationship, it’s essential to ensure that the interaction can’t be associated with the time-wasting stereotype the channel suffers. This can be avoided by focusing on customer wants and needs and not utilising aggressive sales techniques.
The Human Touch
Telesales’ greatest strength can also be its greatest weakness: the person holding the phone. People buy from people, and the creation and curation of a customer relationship can be invaluable. But the personal touch can also hinder a sale – not every employee will always be on top form. In addition, having to establish a relationship can cause a sales representative to not have necessary conversations that could increase basket size. This is where having an overview of customer history can be useful – it reduces the amount of work for the telesales representative by putting it at their fingertips.
Modernize with Aforza
Overcoming these challenges presents a significant growth opportunity for telesales.
So, what can telesales do to modernise and transform? It’s all about providing your people with the best tools available. Even the most accomplished telesales representative, endless time can be wasted when all of their processes are manual.
With 92% of customer interactions occurring over the phone, there’s an overwhelming amount of data to be sifted through, correctly allocated and entered. But only 46% of representatives have access to the data they need to have effective decisions; that’s a huge disconnect between the volume of information and the value it’s able to add.
The Aforza solution eliminates information silos and helps Consumer Products companies deliver a unified customer experience that features a complete view of previous activities including orders, promotions and more. Personal relationships are at the core of telesales, and with the unified customer console, any team member can pick up the phone and have all the information that they need to start every conversation with their best foot forward.
Connecting all customer data on one platform eliminates business and process complexity to exponentially boost sales productivity. The online application also provides telesales coverage to create orders and audits/surveys. All the data remains centralised and visible across the multiple roles (sales rep, merchandiser, supervisor, back-office teams).
The Value of A Single Source of Truth
With a single source of truth, Aforza provides your sales teams with unified pricing and discounting across all channels which means that every order is priced accurately, in real-time. An industry-leading product catalogue also sits at the core to drive accurate product bundles, discounts, and units of measure.
When capturing orders, sellers are seamlessly guided through promotion and cart configurations which are fully optimised for an offline tablet experience with the same prices, discounts, cart summaries and order completion workflows. Penny Perfect Pricing, available across all channels.
Engaging UI/UX
Aforza cuts through the noise with clear, dynamic and intuitive design that creates accessible and seamless sales journeys for both your telesales representatives and customers.
From step-by-step instructions to conduct all required activities during a call to rich, interactive reports and chart visuals, sales has never been so easy (or looked so good).
Ensuring that you can get maximum value from every call is critical, especially in a channel where every second with a customer is so valuable. More efficient and effective conversations, aided by rapid and clear user systems, increases employee productivity and revenue significantly.
As underlined in the McKinsey article mentioned above, the future of B2B sales is hybrid. A cohesive sales chain needs to cover all potential customer accounts, the number of which have doubled since 2016, and telesales is a core enabler here.
At Aforza, we’re all about staying ahead of key industry trends, and with hybrid sales set to be the most dominant by 2024, we want to help you do the same. Get a strategic advantage, lead the pack and get in touch today to find out how we can help your business sell more and grow faster with a total, end-to-end sales journey.